First grade math test
Print your first grade math test before you start working on this test. Then, try to answer all the questions.
Name _____________________ Date:_____________________
Solve the following problems
1. Which number comes next?
14, 15, 16, 17, ____
A. 19
B. 20
C. 18
D. 12
2. One dime is equal to how many cents________
A. 15 cents
B. 10 cents
C. 12 cents
D. 25 cents
3.Look at the clock below. What time is it?___________________
4. Luke had 12 pencils, but gave away 5 to his best friends. How many pencils does Luke have now? _________
5. Fill in the missing two numbers?
34, 36,____, 40, ____
6. How many cents are there in one quarter. How many nickels?
A. 20 cents and 5 nickels
B. 25 cents and 4 nickels
C. 25 cents and 5 nickels
D. 20 cents and 4 nickels
7. John gave 4 slices of pizza to his friend Anna and ate 5. How many slices did the pizza have? ________________
8. Look at the figure below. Which rectangle goes on top of 40?
A. B. C. D.
9. Perform the following subtraction:
10. Tell if the number on the left is less or greater than the number on the right. Replace the question mark ( ? ) with < or >
4 ? 2
5 ? 7
11. Color half (1/2) of the shapes on the left and one quarter or one fourth of the shapes on the right:
Color the triangle with red, rectangles with yellow, the circle with orange, and other figures with a color of your choice
12. For the number 56, what digit is in the
tens place? ________ ones place?___________
13. Perform the following additions and subtractions
14. What time is it?
15. Write the following numbers in words
2 ___________ 7 ___________ 14 _________________ 24 ____________________
16. What is the geometric name for a figure that looks like
a ball?______________ a soda can?_______________
A famous figure that is found in Egypt?_________________ something that you put your ice cream on top? _________________
17. Fill in the blank for the missing numbers
75, 70, ______________ 60, 55, ____________
18. What is the measure of the length shown in red below?
19. How many dimes are there in fifty cents? ____________________
20. Math Puzzles: Who am I?
6 + 6 is less than I am. 6 + 8 is greater than I am.
I am an odd number and if you subtract 10 from me, you get a number greater than 7
Things to keep in mind about the first grade math test
Note: A score of 16 or more on this first grade math test is a good indication that most skills taught in first grade were mastered
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