Basic mathematics skills and beyond!

Basic mathematics, pre-algebra, geometry, statistics, and algebra are what this website will teach you. We have designed the site for anyone who needs a basic to advanced understanding of mathematics concepts and operations. 

Instructions are carefully sequenced to follow a logical order. Concepts are presented in clear, simple terms. Furthermore, each time a concept is introduced, an example or two that illustrate the concept will be provided.

A sample of some interesting math topics 

Learn to factor numbers and trinomials such as quadratic equations

Do your math homework with this super easy to use math solver!

Math solver

Learning math can be a daunting task when you do not have the right tools or the right materials, especially if you grew up believing that math is hard and that you will never understand it. 

The very first lesson I can teach is to get rid of any negative thinking that either your teachers, friends, or even a caring relative helped you build over the years and start believing in yourself.

Math is like a pyramid. Every new skill requires an understanding of prerequisites to do well. For instance, before, one can learn how to add numbers with 3 digits, such as 256 + 128, it is important to know how to add numbers with just one digit or two such as 1 + 5 or 24 + 50.

By the same token, before learning pre-algebra, a good understanding of basic mathematics is important. And before learning algebra, a solid understanding of pre-algebra is a must.

My goal and also my desire is to teach you math, but above all I want to teach you to be free and to be your best teacher.

You will notice that when I teach a lesson, I explain a lot. I do this to give you a deep understanding of basic mathematics and algebra. Therefore, if you are looking for a quick shortcut, my website is not for you because it is designed to challenge you and teach you to a great extent.

In the end, your basic mathematics knowledge will be strong and you will be very much prepared to handle algebra or any other higher level math courses!

How to study basic mathematics, algebra, and geometry

The following tips are just my advice; They are not absolute. Choose those that will best fit you.

  • Plan a regular time to study
  • Choose a quiet place where you will not be distracted.
  • When you study, try to study an entire lesson, or an entire chapter.
  • When you finish a whole lesson or a whole chapter, it may leave you with a great feeling of accomplishment
  • When you feel sleepy, take a short break; you will not learn much, if anything if you are not alert.
  • You are now ready to experience the most rewarding endeavor right here in this website.

Tough algebra word problems

100 Tough Algebra Word Problems.

If you can solve these problems with no help, you must be a genius!

Math quizzes
