Basic math glossary-C

Basic math glossary-C define words beginning with the letter C

Capacity: The amount a container or a unit will hold when full

Centimeter: A measure of length equal to the width a a large paper clip

Circle: A plane figure whose points are located at a fixed distance from the center.

Circle graph: A pictorial way to compare amounts using circles or segments of a circle.

Circumference: The perimeter or distance around a circle.

Commission: The amount of the total money paid for a service.

Common denominator: Common multiple of one or two denominators located at a fixed distance from the center.

Common factors:For two numbers,the common factor is a number that can divide the two numbers evenly

Comparison: Comparing two numbers to see which is the larger.

Composite number: A number that has more than 2 factors.

Cone: A solid figure with a circular based plane, connected to a point called the vertex.

Conversion:The action of changing a unit to a different unit of measure.

Conversion factor: A number you multiply by to change to another unit of measure.

Cross product: The answer obtained by multiplying the numerator of one fraction by the denominator of another fraction.

Cube: A prism with square sides and faces

Currency: Money.

Currency: Ordinary or usual.

Cylinder: A solid figure with two congruent circular bases that are parallel.