Basic math glossary-D

Basic math glossary-D define words beginning with the letter D

Data: Information that we collect

Decimal places: The positions to the right of the decimal point

Decimal number: All numbers in the base 10 number system that have one or more numbers in the decimal places.

Decimal point: In a decimal number, it is a period that is used to separate the whole number from the numbers in the decimal places

Degree: A measure of angles. It is equal to 1/360 of a circle The amount a container or a unit will hold when full

Denominator: In a fraction, It is the number below the fraction bar

Diameter: The distance across a circle through the center

Difference: The answer to a subtraction problem.

Digit: Any of the symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.

Dimensions: Length, width,or height of the size of an geometric figure

Discount: A reduction made from the regular price

Discount rate: The percent that the price is reduced

Dividend: The number being divided

Divisibility: Able to be divided evenly

Divisible: Able to be divided without a remainder

Division: The process of dividing two numbers to find how many times one number is contained into another number

Divisor: The number by which you are dividing