Decimal to fraction calculator

This decimal to fraction calculator will quickly convert any decimal to a fraction. The calculator will also show you step-by-step how the answer was found. 

Advanced Decimal to Fraction Calculator

Repeating Digit(s):


Conversion Process:

Some decimals are called repeating decimals or recurring decimals. Other decimals are called terminating decimals.

Examples of terminating decimals





Examples of repeating decimals




It does not matter which types of decimals you enter. You can get a solution right here.

Students and teachers can use it to quickly check their answers after they have done the problems with paper and pencils. It is strongly recommended that this calculator be used only to check answers. Calculators should never replace the brain!

Still struggling with fractions? Get rid of your fears and frustrations once and for all!

If you don't know fractions very well, you will probably struggle to do well on most math tests. Build a strong foundation in math today before it is too late!

Buy my fractions ebook now. It offers a thorough coverage of fractions!
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