Let's begin by choosing a number to factor:
What's the smallest number that divides into this number evenly?
Enter the prime factorization (use x as multiplication symbol):
Factoring integers is the easiest thing we can factor. It means to make the integer look like a multiplication problem by looking for its prime factorization. In other words, factor the integer until all factors are prime numbers.
It is very important to know how to do this before learning how to find the greatest common factor and how to factor trinomials.
Here is the algorithm:
When factoring, start by dividing the number by 2. Then, keep dividing any factor divisible by 2 that is not prime by 2 until no factors are divisible by 2.
When no factors are divisible by 2, start by dividing by 3 until no factors are
divisible by 3.
When no factors are divisible by 3, start by dividing by 4 until.....
and so forth...
When factoring integers a problem can get complicated when the number is big. when this happens make a tree as the following example demonstrates. We call this a factor tree.