Percentage Change Calculator

The percentage change calculator will calculate the percentage increase/decrease between two numbers. You can also see a step-by-step solution showing exactly how the answer was found.

Percentage Increase/Decrease Calculator


How to calculate the percentage increase

Find the percentage change if the initial value is 4 and the final value is 8

Percentage increase: 100.00%

Step-by-Step Calculation:

1. Initial Value: 4

2. Final Value: 8

3. Difference: 8 - 4 = 4.00

4. Percentage Change Formula: (Difference / |Initial Value|) × 100

5. Calculation: (4.00 / |4|) × 100 = 100.00%

How to calculate the percentage decrease

Find the percentage change if the initial value is -4 and the final value is -8

Percentage decrease: 100.00%

Step-by-Step Calculation:

1. Initial Value: -4

2. Final Value: -8

3. Difference: -8 - -4 = -4.00

4. Percentage Change Formula: (Difference / |Initial Value|) × 100

5. Calculation: (-4.00 / |-4|) × 100 = -100.00%

Note: When the initial value is negative, we use its absolute value in the denominator to correctly calculate the percentage change.

This is a percentage decrease because the absolute value of the final value is smaller than the absolute value of the initial value.

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