Prefixes used in math
Below, find a comprehensive list of most prefixes used in math. We strongly encourage teachers to teach the list below. It will solve a lot of problems
associated with math literacy.
Uni, mono, or solo: one
Bi or duo: two
Tri: three
Tetra, quad: Four
Penta, quint, or quin: Five
Sex, hex, hexa: six
Hepta, sept, or hept: seven
Octa, octo, or oct: eight
Nona, non, nov, or ennea: Nine
Deca or dec: Ten
Dodeca: twelve
Icosa, or vigint: twenty
Triaconta, or trigint: thirty
Tetraconta, or quadragint: fourty
Pentaconta or quinquagint: fifty
Hexaconta or hexagint: sixty
Heptaconta or septuagint: seventy
Octaconta or octogint: eighty
Enneaconta or nonagint: ninety
Cent or hect : one hundred
Mille or kilo: one thousand
Myria : ten thousand
Mega: Million
Hectokilo: one hundred thousand
Giga: Billion
Tera: trillion
Peta: quadrillion
Exa: quintillion
Zetta: sextillion
Yotta: heptillion
Deci: tenth
centi: hundredth
Milli: thousandth
Micro: Millionth
Nano: Billionth
Pico: trillionth
Fento: quadrillionth
Atto: quintillionth
Zepto: sextillionth
Yocto: heptillionth