Prime factorization calculator

The prime factorization calculator below will help you find the prime factorization of any number. Just enter any number composite number or not into the box and click on the button that says calculate to see step-by-step solution along with a factor tree. 

Prime Factorization and Factor Tree Calculator

How to find the prime factorization 

Example #1

Prime factorization of 90: 2 × 3 × 3 × 5

Step 1: 90 = 2 × 45

Step 2: 45 = 3 × 15

Step 3: 15 = 3 × 5

Step 4: 5 = 5 × 1

Example #2

Prime factorization of 460: 2 × 2 × 5 × 23

Step 1: 460 = 2 × 230

Step 2: 230 = 2 × 115

Step 3: 115 = 5 × 23

Step 4: 23 = 23 × 1