5th grade math test

Name _____________________                                        Date:_____________________

Solve the following problems


In the equation below, what is the value of ?

(2 + 4) × 5 = ? + 20


Darline has a special purse that can hold 20 lipsticks. How many purse does Darline need if she has 420 lipsticks?

A. 20      B. 22      C. 23     D. 21     

3. Represent the following situation with an integer. Then put them in order

A loss of 12 dollars ___________

5 feet above sea level ___________

a debit of 20 dollars ____________

A gain of 50 dollars ____________

_________, ___________, ____________, ______________


Get a CD. Put your finder on the edge. Move your finger around the edge until your finger reaches the same location you had it before moving it.

Your finger measured the _______________ of the CD

A. Area      B. Circumference      C. Volume      D. Surface area     


Debbie studies for 5 hours, John studies for 6 hours, and Ashley studies for 10 hours. What is the average number of hours the 3 students study?

A. 7      B. 8      C. 8      D. 5     


-5 + 8 = _______

5 + -8 = _______

-5 + -8 = ______

5 + 8 = ______


Compare the following two decimals. Use either < , > , or =

564.1540791           564.1540789


Find the perimeter and area of the rectangle below:


Perimeter = _____________ units

Area = __________________ square units


Get a quarter and toss it.

The different outcome are __________________________

Write the probability of getting heads as a fraction ____________

Write the probability of getting heads as a percent ____________

Write the probability of getting heads as a decimal ____________


Add 2/3 and 5/6 _____________


Write the answer for number 10 as a mixed number _________________

Write the answer for number 10 in lowest terms _________________


Divide 7845 by 15 ________________


An ice cream place offers vanilla, rhum raisin, chocolate, and peanut butter as flavors. They have sugar cone, cake cone, and chocolate-coated cone

Make a tree in the space below showing the different combinations of ice cream and cone you can order.

How many orders can you place?

A. 7      B. 4      C. 12      D. 3     


To find the number on the right, you need to


A. Multiply the number on the left by 5 and then add 1

B.Multiply the number on the left by 5 and then subtract 1

C.Multiply the number on the left by 4 and then add 3

D.Multiply the number on the left by 3 and then add 10


Which of these units is the best to measure the length of a book

A. Millimeter      B. Centimeter      C. Kilometer      D. Meter     


Replace the question mark with the missing number

64837 - ? = 63936

54 + ? = 25 + 36


Two sides of an isosceles triangle measure 6 and 10. The perimeter of the triangle could be

A. 26 or 21      B. 12 or 20      C. 22 or 23      D. 26 or 22     


What information could you find with the following situation?

Noemy bought a box of apples for $4.20. She now has $2.35 in her purse.

A. Noemy's allowance every month      B. How much the apples cost      C. How much money Noemy had before buying the apples      D. How many apples are there in the box     


Examine the graph below and then choose the correct asnwer


A. Computers will cost 50 dollars in 2020      B. Computer cost has decreased by more than 2000 dollars      C. Compared to 1970, computers cost half as much in 2010      D. In 2030, the price of computers may disappear. Great!     


You want to share 1000 dollars between you and 5 friends.

Can you share the money evenly?

What is the maximum amount that can be shared evenly?

What is then the leftover as a fraction?
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