Second grade math test

Print your second grade math test before you start working on this test. Try to answer all the questions.

Name _____________________                                        Date:_____________________

Solve the following problems

1. Which numbers come next?

16 , 22 , 28 , _____ , ____

2. Which coin is the biggest in size and is less than 50 cents.___________

A. Dime      B. Quarter     C. Penny     D. Nickel     

Break the rectangle in 3 equal parts and color one-third (1/3) of the rectangle.
Break the circle in 4 equal parts and color three-fourths (3/4) of the circle.


4. Which of these is the same as 2 days?

A. 2 weeks     B. 24 hours      C. 24 minutes     D. 2880 minutes     

5. Fill in the missing two numbers?

847, 855,____, 871 , ____

6. You have 5 quarters, 3 dimes, 2 nickels, and 5 pennies in your pocket.

How much money do you have ?_____________ If you buy a candy for 65 cents, How much money are you left with?_______________

A. $1.65 and leftover of $1.00      B. $1.70 and leftover of $1.00      C. $1.70 and leftover of $1.05      D. $1.65 and leftover of $1.05     

7. At a wedding reception, there are 458 guests but 324 meals. How many more meals are needed?________________

8. Which figure is the same on both sides of the red line?


A. Figure #1      B. Figure #2      C. Figure #3      D. Figure#4     

9. Tell if the number on the left is less or greater than the number on the right. Replace the question mark ( ? ) with < or >

87       ?      81

157       ?      211

10. Which number has 5 in the hundreds place and 2 in the ones place?

A. 152      B. 252      C. 521      D. 512     

11. For the number 985, what digit is in the

tens place? ________ ones place?___________ hundreds place? __________

12. Perform the following additions and subtractions.


13. Look at the figure below and then write the fractions in the space below:


                        _________________                    _________________

14. Tell if the number on the left is less or greater than the number on the right. Replace the question mark ( ? ) with <, =, or >

42 + 14      ?      56

65 + 33       ?      90

15. Write the following numbers in words

25 ______________________ 48 _____________________

124 ___________________________ 256 _____________________________

16. What is the geometric name for a figure that looks like

the earth?______________ Indian tents like tipis?_______________

a pipe that carry water? _________________

17. Fill in the blank for the missing numbers

467, 459, ______________ 443, 435, ____________

18. What is the measure of the length shown in red below?


19. Which math problem means the same thing as 20 + 8 = 28? ____________________

A. 20 − 8 = 12      B. 28 − 8 = 20      C. 28 − 8 = 18     D. 8 − 28 = 20     

20. math Puzzles: Who am I?

a. 55 + 66 is more than I am. 55 + 63 is less than I am. I am an even number.

b.I have 3 digits and I am the second highest number before the smallest number with 4 digits

Things to keep in mind about the second grade math test.

Note: A score of 16 or more on this second grade math test is a good indication that most skills taught in second grade were mastered

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