Split a Bill According to Income Calculator

Bill Splitter Based on Income

For example, when splitting a bill between two or three people with differing income levels, you can achieve a more equitable distribution by having each person contribute according to how much they earn. This approach can work well between family members, and close friends. 

It ensures that the payment burden is shared in proportion to each individual's financial situation. This calculator will ensure that each person has a fair share.

For example, suppose the cost of a bill is 10000. One person makes 10000 per month and the other makes 5000 per month.

If you were to split the bill 50/50, the one who makes 5000 will have to use his entire income.

However, if you use the calculator to split the bill according to income the one who makes 10000 will give 6666.6666666667 and the one who makes 50000 will give 3333.33. 

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